Unique Books of top Hymns everyone should know, with melodies, all stanzas, brief biography of authors and composers, plus devotionals on the meaning of the text. MP3 accompaniments also available!
Our Hymns, Our Heritage
for Students of All Ages
Hosanna in Excelsis
for the Christmas Season
» Discover the best of hymn poetry and tunes, past and present
» Learn their scriptural truths and lessons to apply with brief devotionals
Our Hymns, Our Heritage
Essential Hymns Every Child Should Sing
Hymnal – Piano Accompaniment – Piano Recordings

Our Hymns, Our Heritage is Moody Publishers’ replacement title of the self-published book, Hosanna, Loud Hosannas which began the series.
The two books are very similar in content with the hymns in identical order so they can be used together. There is one traditional hymn addition, ”Be Still My Soul” and the addition of five African- American Spirituals. In order to make the book much more affordable, the full-color paintings were eliminated.
Hosanna in Excelsis!
Hymns and Devotionals for Christmas Season
Hymnal – Piano Accompaniment – Piano Recordings

Celebrate the coming of Christ by immersing yourself in the legacy of music that truly honors the Christmas season. One hymn per day for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons. Hosanna in Excelsis is a devotional that couples the lyrics and score of a new hymn daily with a devotional message about the music’s biblical and spiritual truths.
MP3 Recordings at Hosanna Hymnals
What do you do if you do not play piano or even have one to play? How can you learn the hymns you may not know?
Obtain a copy of the USB Flash Drive or downloaded zip file with every hymn recorded on piano with all the stanzas for singing with an accompaniment arranged to help interpret the texts. These include a brief introduction, occasional interludes and occasional key changes, making your singing fit the emotion of the text. .
These professionally produced recordings can be used in a family setting or even in a classroom or small church Sunday School class, or a group Bible study.
Why do we use USB Flash Drives or zip file downloads instead of CD’s or Streaming services?
- The amount of music for each book would require many CD’s and much shuffling to find the song you want.
- Hosanna in Excelsis contains approximately 4 hours of recordings and Our Hymns Our Heritage contains 6.5 hours.
- CD’s are no longer playable in newer model cars or on most home music systems–or even many computers.
- Although streaming is now the popular standard for music transfer, to purchase this many tracks, (86 and 120 respectively), would be very expensive. The USB Flash drives and downloads are much more affordable.
- The USB format of MP3’s and the downloads are flexible to transfer to a phone or tablet.
Purchase Our Hymns, Our Heritage MP3 Recordings
Purchase Hosanna in Excelsis MP3 Recordings
Much sweeter and deeper when you learn the biblical historical background
The hymns will be much sweeter and deeper when you learn the biblical historical background behind them. It was encouraging to learn what the Holy Spirit was doing in the heart of those who wrote the hymns. What a blessing! Thank you Leeman family. Much sweeter and deeper when you learn the biblical historical background …
So excited to begin learning from it
Hello, I just purchased your hymn book, Our Hymns, Our Heritage. I’m so excited to begin learning from it and teaching our children hymns and their originals. I would venture to say this is needed in every English-speaking Christian home. So excited to begin learning from it – Haig S
Thank you for your ministry
We have a group of 1st-6th grade kids who will be learning and singing many of these hymns as part of our Sunday School curriculum. Thank you for your ministry in making these wonderful resources available to churches! Thank you for your ministry – Melissa H